home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 1 rem *** printer format pgr ***
- 2 rem *** epson card/?+g format ***
- 3 rem *** written by john laws ***
- 4 rem *** sept 16, 1984 ***
- 5 rem ********************************
- 9 poke53280,0:poke53281,7:poke646,9
- 10 print"[147]"spc(7)"printer format program" "
- 20 [153][166]9)"1wait elite print"
- 30 [153][166]9)"2wait condensed print"
- 40 [153][166]9)"3wait italics print"
- 50 [153][166]9)"4wait emphasized print"
- 60 [153][166]9)"5wait enlarged print"
- 70 [153][166]9)"6wait double strike print"
- 80 [153][166]9)"7wait set line spacing"
- 90 [153][166]9)"8wait set left margin"
- 100 [153][166]9)"9wait ignore paper end"
- 105 [153][166]9)"10wait set form length"
- 107 [153][166]9)"11wait set skip-over perforation"
- 110 [153][166]10);:[133]"your choice";k$:[139]k$[178]""[167]110
- 120 k[178][197](k$):[139]k [179]1 [176] k [177]11 [167] 110
- 130 [159]4,4,0:[145] k [141]200,250,300,350,400,450,500,600,650,700,850
- 140 [152]4:[160]4:[153]"loadchange another function (y/n)"
- 150 [161]k$:[139]k$[178]""[167]150
- 160 [139]k$[179][177]"y" [175] k$[179][177]"n"[167]150
- 170 [139]k$[178]"y"[167]10
- 180 [128]
- 200 [152]4,[199](27);[199](77);"elite mode":[142]
- 250 [152]4,[199](27);[199](20);"condensed mode":[142]:[143] card+g changes to 15
- 300 [152]4,[199](27);[199](52);"italics mode":[142]
- 350 [152]4,[199](27);[199](69);"emphasized mode":[142]
- 400 [152]4,[199](27);[199](87);[199](1);"enlarged mode":[142]
- 450 [152]4,[199](27);[199](71);"double strike mode":[142]
- 500 [153]"load"[166]9)"your choices are: ":[153][166]9)"1wait 7/72 in spacing"
- 501 [153][166]9)"2wait 1/8 in spacing (9/72)":[153][166]9)"3wait 1/6 in spacing (12/72)"
- 502 [153][166]9)"4wait n/72 in spacing"
- 503 [161]k$:[139]k$[178]""[167]503
- 504 k[178][197](k$):[139]k [179]1 [176] k [177]4 [167] 503
- 505 [145] k [137] 590,580,570,510
- 506 [137]503
- 510 [133]"what value do you want to give n";n
- 520 [139] n[178]0 [167]510
- 530 [152]4,[199](27);[199](65);[199](n);n;"/72 in. line":[152]4,"spacing set"
- 531 [142]
- 570 [152]4,[199](27)[199](50);"1/6 in. (12/72) line":[152]4,"spacing set":[142]
- 580 [152]4,[199](27);[199](48);"1/8 in. (9/72) line":[152]4,"spacing set":[142]
- 590 [152]4,[199](27);[199](49);"7/72 in. line":[152]4,"spacing set":[142]
- 600 [153]"loadwhat column do you want left margin":[153][166]15);:[133] n
- 605 [152]4:[160]4:[159]4,4,4:[143] transparent mode on star is 4,4,6
- 610 [152]4,[199](27);[199](108);[199](n);"left margin is";n:[142]
- 650 [152]4,[199](27);[199](56);"ignore paper-end signal":[142]
- 700 [153]"loaddo you wish to set the form length by"
- 710 [153][166]9);"1wait number of lines"
- 720 [153][166]9);"2wait by inch length"
- 730 [161]k$:[139]k$[178]""[167]730
- 740 k[178][197](k$):[139]k[179][177]1 [175] k[179][177]2 [167] 730
- 750 [139] k[178]2 [167] 800
- 760 [153]""[166]9);:[133]"how many lines per page";n
- 770 [152]4,[199](27);[199](67);[199](n);"form length is"n"lines per page":[142]
- 800 [153]""[166]9);:[133]"how many inches per page";n
- 810 [152]4,[199](27);[199](67);[199](0);[199](n);"form length is"n"inches per page"
- 820 [142]
- 850 [153]"loadhow many lines to skip on bottom of page":[133] n
- 860 [152]4,[199](27);[199](78);[199](n);"skip-over perforation set
- 870 print#4,"with"n"lines at bottom of page being left blank":return